The Miracle Ladies reviews
Joy Imene, 5 out of 5 stars
The greatest strength of this book is in how it can transport its readers to a beautiful world with an engaging plot and fully developed characters. An easy, fluent transition between historical and contemporary settings brings both the story and plot very vividly alive… It is a fact that the way the author relayed the plot was top-notch and, to me, a rewarding read altogether.
I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because it is that kind of tale where the plot, charcaters, and temporalities work together just right, in a word, it’s captivating and genuinely sweeps ne away. Enhanced, for one, by fine, well-drawn character portrayals, the plotlines are seemlessly unravelled acros time and space, and meticulous attention to detail by the writer results ina very lively plot with vivid descriptions. I would therefore give the top level of recommendations for a fan of historical fiction and contemporary mystery.
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